June 5, 2023 1:30 PM
300 EUR
Grand Hotel Oslo

4th Mare Forum Oslo 2023

Following the successful Mare Forum conferences around the globe and the excellent 3rd Mare Forum Oslo 2022, MARE FORUM is pleased to announce the occurrence of the 4th Mare Forum Oslo 2023 to be held on Monday, 5 June (afternoon) at the Grand Hotel in central Oslo, Norway. This conference will be held on the occasion of NORSHIPPING Exhibition. [scroll down..]


Many shipping executives actively participate, discuss, debate and exchange their thoughts, ideas, visions, and roles in (green) shipping, energy transition, energy security, decarbonization, future regulation imperatives, finance, the human factor, innovations in the Norwegian maritime industry and challenges and opportunities ahead.  

No boring company presentations, no long speeches, but only dynamic discussions between the panellists and between the panellists and audience participants.


The participants will be: Shipping Executives, Ship-owners, Ship-managers, Charterers, Traders, Capital providers, Energy Executives, Regulators, Maritime Lawyers, Consultants, shipbuilders and repair managers, Classification Societies, Press, shipping services providers, and smart entrepreneurs.

Participants will plunge into a pool of booming business and network opportunities.

It will be inspiring, Be There, Be Heard.


[to view the list of speakers, panellists and partners, scroll down......]



Opening and Welcome

- Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas President, Mare Forum
The session moderators:
- Espen Gjerde
Senior Vice President, New Energy, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA
- Tone Tafjord Seth
Senior Lawyer, Simonsen Vogt Wiig
- Dagfinn Lunde
Chairman and Co-founder / Chairman eShipfinance.com, DagMar Navigation Ltd / Cleaves Securities AS
- Yannis Litinas
Partner, Simonsen Vogt Wiig

The Keynote Speaker
- Sveinung Oftedal
Chief Negotiator – Green Shipping, Department of Marine Management and Pollution Control

Session 1

The right way ahead to Decarbonization - Lessons to be learned.

- How exposed is the existing fleet to upcoming legislation, and how do shipowners mitigate risk?
- Are carbon-neutral or zero-carbon operations a target? If so, what are the steps to reach it (e.g.vessel speed, efficiency upgrades, switching to alternative fuels, offsetting.)?
- What is now required to start reducing emissions immediately?
- What are possible incentives for first movers to decarbonization?
- Will the Charterers pay for GHG emissions?
- How are alternative fuel suppliers preparing to provide carbon-neutral and zero-carbon fuels for shipping at scale?
- What is the role of charterers, shipowners, capital providers and regulators in the multi-relationship structure of their interests, focusing on sustainable and commercially viable shipping and trading industry?
- Will repair yards have the capacity to deal with an upcoming wave of retrofits? How are they preparing for the challenge?
- What are the necessary changes in port infrastructure, and is there a plan of implementation by the relevant authorities? What are the key priorities?
- Can industry-wide initiatives, such as green corridors, accelerate the industry’s transformation? What does it take for them to be successful?
- What can we do now to help accelerate the availability of zero-carbon ships while at the same time reducing shipping’s footprint: slow steaming, retrofits, ESG reporting, and verification
- Lessons to be learned

Session Chairman:
- Espen Gjerde Senior Vice President, New Energy, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA
- Michael North, Commercial Manager,Norway and Iceland, Lloyd's Register
- Tor Eyvind Ask Fleet Director, SOLVANG ASA
- John Aune CEO, WALLEM Group
- Zhongyi (John) Su President & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group
- Torleif Frimannslund VP Technology & Decarbonization, Grieg Star
- Pino Spadafora Global Marine Commercial Senior Director, RINA
- Spyridon Tarasis Vice Chairman, INTERCARGO
- Sotiris Raptis Secretary General European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
- Martin Wattum Head of Projects and Business Transformation, Torvald Klaveness
- Andrea Morgante Vice President Performance Services Wärtsilä , Marine Power
- Kirsi Tikka Shipping Executive
- Mike Konstantinidis Managing Director, Vessel Optimisation, ZeroNorth A/S
- Pia Meling Managing Director Grieg Green
- Nicholas Brown Director, Brand & Communications, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore
- Mikael Laurin Head of Vessel Optimization, Yara Marine Technologies AB
- Trond Johnsen Centre Director – SFI Smart Maritime, SINTEF Ocean

Session 2

Where does the money come from to finance decarbonization, and how do you get it? What are the benefits of the features of alternative Finance and other models to the global shipping industry?

- what are the key performance criteria lenders evaluate when providing funds to shipowners?

- What are the trends in banking, alternative ship finance, bonds and other models of finance and investments on the way to decarbonisation?
- What will be the future role of the Norwegian, European and global banks in the industry (in the context of the increased role of alternative finance providers)?

- What are the benefits of the features of Alternative Finance to the global shipping industry?

- Will pension fund money flow into the international shipping debt markets, and what is required for this to happen?

- Will the maritime green trend accelerate in case the role of alternative finance in shipping increases?

- Will alternative finance focus more on new-build financing or on second-hand?

- How do shipping companies choose an appropriate lender?

- Lending has become highly diverse; what are the most common alternative financing structures?

- Is there competition between banks and alternative capital providers?

Session Chairman:
- Tone Tafjord Seth Senior Lawyer, Simonsen Vogt Wiig
- Michael de Visser Global Head of Transportation, NIBC Bank
- Zhongyi (John) Su President & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group
- Martin Iversen - Associate Director, NorthCape Capital AS
- Emile Karsten Head of coverage shipping Nordics, ABN AMRO Bank NV Oslo Branch
- Einar Aaser Relationship Manager, Shipping section, DNB
- Torkell Vold Managing Director, Tide Capital Advisory AS
- Vanessa Tzoannos Partner, Hill Dickinson International
- Sotiris Raptis Secretary General European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
- Nicolai Hansteen Head of Corp. Development, Lorentzen & Stemoco
- Marina Tzoutzouraki CFO and co-founder, eShipfinance.com
- Yves Kallina Senior Syndication Manager, Hamburg Commercial Bank AG
- Joep Gorgels Chief Financial and Business Development Officer, Floattech
- Wilhelm Christian Magelssen Parner, NRP Maritime Asset Management
- Tarun Gulati CEO & Co-Founder, eshipfinance.com


Session 3

Why is Norway leading the global Maritime Innovation?
How does the Norwegian Maritime Cluster design its bright maritime future?

Session Chairman:
- Dagfinn Lunde Chairman and Co-founder, SFG Ship Finance Global Limited - eShipfinance.com
- Sveinung Oftedal Chief Negotiator – Green Shipping, Department of Marine Management and Pollution Control
- Pia Meling Managing Director, Grieg Green
- Jonathan Sørbye Head of Trade and International Growth, Innovation Norway
- Jon Halvard Bolstad Olsen Strategy & Business Development Director + Head of Shore Power, Yara Marine Technologies
- Erlend Holberg Customer Success Manager, Kongsberg DigitalC
- Espen Gjerde Senior Vice President, New Energy, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA
- Andrea Morgante Vice President Performance Services, Wärtsilä, Marine Power
- Trond Johnsen Centre Director – SFI Smart Maritime, SINTEF Ocean
- more panellists to be announced

Session 4

Quo Vadis? New challenges before us while looking ahead

Session Chairman:
- Yannis Litinas Partner, Simonsen Vogt Wiig
- All of the above
General Discussion on:
- Effect of following (not exhaustive) in Shipbuilding and Ship-financing
- Sanctions
- Transparency Act (Norwegian: Åpenhetsloven) and its implications
- Stringent AML and other regulatory clauses

17:30 – 19:00

Drinks hosted by IRI/Marshall Island Registry and Simonsen Vogt Wiig

Speakers & Panelists

Jonathan Sørbye
Jonathan Sørbye
Head of Trade and International Growth
Innovation Norway
Michael North
Michael North
Commercial Manager, Norway and Iceland
Sveinung Oftedal
Sveinung Oftedal
Chief Negotiator – Green Shipping Department of Marine Management and Pollution Control
Ministry of Climate and Environment, Norway
Michael de Visser
Michael de Visser
Managing Director
SEAHORSE Consulting & Invest
Torleif Frimannslund
Torleif Frimannslund
VP Technology & Decarbonization
Grieg Star
Nicolai Hansteen
Nicolai Hansteen
Business Director – Bulk Carriers and Tankers Sales & Marketing Maritime
DNV AS, Norway
Martin Iversen
Martin Iversen
Associate Director
NorthCape Capital AS
Christine Rødsæther
Christine Rødsæther
Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS
Yannis Litinas
Yannis Litinas
Simonsen Vogt Wiig
Trond Johnsen
Trond Johnsen
Centre Director
SFI Smart Maritime SINTEF Ocean
Andrew McKeran
Andrew McKeran
Business Director - Maritime Performance Services
Lloyd's Register
 Torkell Vold
Torkell Vold
Managing Director
Tide Capital Advisory AS
Dagfinn Lunde
Dagfinn Lunde
Chairman and Co-founder / Chairman
eShipfinance.com, DagMar Navigation Ltd / Cleaves Securities AS
Sotiris Raptis
Sotiris Raptis
Secretary General
European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
Pino Spadafora
Pino Spadafora
Global Marine Commercial Senior Director
Einar Aaser
Einar Aaser
Relationship Manager, Shipping section
John-Kaare Aune
John-Kaare Aune
Wallem Group
Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown
Corporate Affairs Director. Marine & Offshore Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore
Emile Jos Karsten
Emile Jos Karsten
Head of coverage shipping Nordics
Espen Gjerde
Espen Gjerde
Senior Vice President, New Energy,
Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA
Erlend Lous
Erlend Lous
Simonsen Vogt Wiig
Tor Øyvind Ask
Tor Øyvind Ask
Fleet Director
Pia Meling
Pia Meling
Managing Director
Grieg Green
Mike Konstantinidis
Mike Konstantinidis
Managing Director, Vessel Optimisation
ZeroNorth A/S
Martin Wattum
Martin Wattum
Head of Projects and Business Transformation
Torvald Klaveness
Jon Halvard Bolstad Olsen
Jon Halvard Bolstad Olsen
Strategy & Business Development Director + Head of Shore Power
Yara Marine Technologies
Erlend Holberg
Erlend Holberg
Customer Success Manager
Kongsberg Digital
Mikael Laurin
Mikael Laurin
Head of Vessel Optimization
Yara Marine Technologies AB
Spyridon Tarasis
Spyridon Tarasis
Vice Chairman
Zhongyi (John) Su
Zhongyi (John) Su
Group Chairman & CEO
Erasmus Shipinvest Group
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Mare Forum
Joep Gorgels
Joep Gorgels
CFO / CBDO – Chief Financial and Business Development Officer
Marina Tzoutzouraki
Marina Tzoutzouraki
CFO and co-founder
Yves Kallina
Yves Kallina
Senior Syndication Manager
Hamburg Commercial Bank AG
Tarun Gulati
Tarun Gulati
CEO & Co-Founder
Tone Tafjord Seth
Tone Tafjord Seth
Senior Lawyer | Oslo
Simonsen Vogt Wiig
Wilhelm Christian Magelssen
Wilhelm Christian Magelssen
NRP Maritime Asset Management
Andrea Morgante
Andrea Morgante
Vice President Performance Services
Wärtsilä , Marine Power
Kirsi Tikka
Kirsi Tikka
Shipping Executive
Peter Knudsen
Peter Knudsen
Managing Partner
NorthCape Capital AS
Vanessa Tzoannou
Vanessa Tzoannou
Hill Dickinson LLP

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