June 16, 2022 11:00 AM
Virtual Event

Alternative Finance for Small and Medium Shipowners 3

Partner: NESEC

MARE FORUM and NESEC Ship finance will host the 3rd part of our successful series of digital Mare Forum round tables, where we explore different means of Ship Finance. Alternative Financing for the small and medium shipping companies will be the main discussion topic.... [scroll down]


Our panel consisting of leading Capital Providers, Shipowners and Services Providers (to be announced soon) will guide you through a web of questions about the trends and practices of alternative ship financing.


  • - What are the benefits of the features of Alternative Finance to the global shipping industry?
  • - What are the owner's requirements from the capital providers?
  • - Which shipowners are attractive to alternative ship finance capital providers?
  • - Will pension fund money flow into the international shipping debt markets, and what is required for this to happen?
  • - Will the maritime green trend accelerate in case the role of alternative finance in shipping is increasing?
  • - Or does an increased role of alternative finance in shipping not impact the pace of the green trend?
  • - Increased focus on sustainability: will this impact the demand for cargo space (ton/miles)? For example nearshoring
  • - Does the current market lead to unhealthy situations (think of order books in box ships)?
  • - Will alternative finance focus more on new-build financing or on second-hand?
  • - Has/is the Corona situation changing the supply of non-bank money to the industry?
  • - What will be the future role of European and global banks in the industry (in the context of the increased role of alternative finance providers)?
  • - How do shipping companies choose an appropriate lender?
  • - Are there any positive tailwinds in the financing space?
  • - Lending has become highly diverse; what the most common structures in alternative financing are?
  • - How do alternative financiers navigate through the regulations, and how can they remain flexible?
  • - What are the uncertainties/concerns around alternative financing?
  • - To what extent do you think alternative financing is becoming mainstream?
  • - Is there competition between banks and alternative capital providers?
  • - How about technology? What do alternative finance and fintech mean for the shipping industry?
  • - What is the long/short term impact of the current geo-policital situation on shipping?

Speakers & Panelists

Joep Gorgels
Joep Gorgels
CFO / CBDO – Chief Financial and Business Development Officer
Marina Tzoutzouraki
Marina Tzoutzouraki
CFO and co-founder
Nicolai Heidenreich
Nicolai Heidenreich
Managing Partner
NRP Maritime Asset Management AS
Pieter van der Burg
Pieter van der Burg
Managing Director
NESEC Fund Management
Wijnand Botman
Wijnand Botman
Managing Director
Direct Ship Finance
Harris Antoniou
Harris Antoniou
Founder and Managing Director
Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd

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